New York 2024
25 min watch
We saw lots of falling leaves and water.
Every article on
We saw lots of falling leaves and water.
I’m rebuilding It’s way past time to have a website again.
Switching from JavaScript to Rust/WebAssembly has (unsurprisingly) significantly increased performance!
A six minute video I produced to show how I am using GitHub Copilot as I work on my ray tracer, Penumbra. Includes a preview of the upcoming switch to Rust/WebAssembly!
Finally! Ray casting! Plus an interactive demo of a sphere’s shadow.
An overdue and long update covering 3 chapters! The site has moved to its permanent home and the demo for these chapters is a neat little animated clock.
An interactive web component already!
Just one more yak to shave before I can get started on the first test.
I just want to start this challenge, but there’s a bunch of things I need to figure out first.